Date :24-Jan-2020

Time and Tide_1 &nbs
AT A TIME when US President Mr. Donald Trump tries to insulate industries in his country against emission controls, Indian industry captains have taken a highly laudable initiative to play the leadership role for climate action. The big names in Industry like Mr. Ratan Tata, Mr. Anand Mahindra, Mr. Nadir Godrej, the Premjis, Rohini Nilekani, the Shahs and Hemendra Kothari and a host of others have pledged to engage their philanthropic action for combating the adverse effects of climate change. Besides being able to pump in the required finances, these eminent people have the needed technological, scientific resources. This is what climate change requires to get the desired result. They realise the urgency of the action on this critical issue. They also understand that Government alone would not able to deal with the emerging situation. It has to be a collaborative and collective effort among the three segments: the Government, industry and society at large. If this works out well, it would a role model for the rest of the world.
BESIDES neutralising black money in circulation, the other aim behind demonetising high value currency notes was to curb the menace of fake notes which had assumed alarming proportions in the wake of heightened militancy. In fact drug smuggling, circulation of fake notes and militancy had very close relation. The Government wanted to break the back of this nexus through demonetisation. Drug money was and is being used for funding militancy in the country and so is fake currency. In fact circulation of fake currency has larger economic consequences; shatter the faith of the people in the official currency and cause economic havoc. Pakistan has been using this route as well to destabilise Indian economy and the most profitable route to pump in that bad money was through the porous Nepal border. Recent instances of fake money in high denomination currency notes being unearthed shows that the masterminds are back in business and the country cannot afford to lower the guard in this critical area.