Date :28-Jan-2021

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BLIND faith is often the sole reason for a tragedy of unimaginable proportions. And when faith in spirituality turns into a dangerous belief in supernatural powers then the end has to be absolutely gory. The bizarre incident reported from Andhra Pradesh confirms the shocking fact. Apparently “transcending the peaks of spiritualism” a highly educated couple bludgeoned their two young daughters to death with a belief that they would come back to life within hours as spiritual power would transform “Kaliyuga” into “Satya Yuga”. Details of the bone-chilling incidents are abominable to say the least.
The father, an associate professor and also Vice-Principal of a college, and the mother, a gold medalist and Principal of a private school, walked into a superstition trap and killed their two daughters in cold blood. The episode yet again brings to fore the disturbing trend of irrational beliefs in spirituality taking the better of sane minds. No amount of awareness campaigns have helped in bringing these episodes to end. The most disturbing aspect of the latest tragedy is the vulnurability of even the highly educated class to such beliefs. One hopes sanity finds a way into human mind.