District Election Office’s swimathon on 16th
   Date :14-Apr-2024

Sports Reporter
IN ITS effort to boost voting percentage in the region, the District Election Office, Nagpur has come up with a novel idea of holding a swimathon. The swimathon, will be held at National Institute of Swimming, JD Tower, Manewada, Besa Road, Near Chintamani Nagar 01, Behind Mahalaxmi Celebration Hall, Bhole Shankar Nagar, on Tuesday from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm. The aquatic event is titled as Vote for a Better Nation — ‘Swim for Distinction #missiondistinction75% #votekareganagpur’.
Highlights of swimathon include, seven hours marathon swimming; participants can register for free by logging on to the link: https://forms.gle/C44FLSzJVNFXRL6A8. Last date of registration is Sunday (April 14) till 12.30 pm. Groups will be formed of registered swimmer and 30 minutes continuous swimming in relay pattern will be held. Participants can register in the following age groups — Below 18 years, 18 to 50 years, 50 years & above, couple & their kids, para swimmers. There are awards to be won in the following categories — Best Swimmer, Best Para Swimmer, Best Swimming Family and Best Swimming Couple. Certificates will be awarded to all successful swimmers.