

  Salute the brave hearts who sacrificed their lives Leaving behind small children, old parents, young siblings and caring wives For love of motherland, in battle zone they thrive The Kargil war was difficult and complicated, akin to a beehive..

Why not ask questions to public figures about why they cannot manage the city well?

“Sir, Nagpur appears to be under a constant siege of flood and filth, fearful of various kinds of infections. I returned from London just yesterday, and got out of the house today morning for my appointments -- and found that the city of ours offered a terrible contrast to the place where I had been. That is so clean, though far more crowded, with no fear of infections assailing people. Why have we turned our city into such a filthy place?” This description, this comparison, this question from a friend ..


INDIAN sports got another great moment to cherish when shooter Abhinav Bindra was bestowed the Olympic Order, the highest award of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The ace shooter who was the first Indian athlete to win an individual gold medal in Olympics was honoured to recognise his outstanding contribution to the development of sport and services to the Olympic cause. Bindra deserves every bit of the honour he has been awarded by the IOC for his extraordinary determination to promote ..

Good Policing & Security

IT IS a matter of great satisfaction that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been spending plenty of time with the annual conferences of Directors General of Police traditionally convened by the Director of the Intelligence Bureau to review the internal security situation in the country and the law and order management as a vital determinant of it. Prime Minister Modi has been sharing his thoughts on how to improve and modernise the functioning of the police force in India. At his initiative, the ..

Of an energisinginteraction withtwo siblings

THIS statement by the legendary thinker-writer Oscar Wilde, of course, is a wild generalisation. Even though it is generally true that a good numbers of young people are not given to deep thinking and fine or graceful approach to life, thanks to their limited exposure, exceptions are always available to disprove the above utterance. We do come across young people on whom youth stands bestowed as a Divine gift. In other words, they adorn their youth like a decoration or an honour -- with grace and ..

Of Second Capital of inconvenience

MOVE to any area of Nagpur, and you will come across scores of people who have serious complaints or issues with cement roads under construction for endless periods of time. If it is not cement roads as a point of complaint, issues such as manholes without covers or broken covers or road construction materials having been left at critical road turning points or incomplete public works dominate the public conversation in the State’s Second Capital. And this has been happening for the past ten-plus ..


 Joe Biden placed himself in danger’s reach when he introduced Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky with the words: “Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin!” President Joe Biden’s forgetfulness will one day lead him to the brink&..

Iran’s Eroding Theocracy

 By Gwynne Dyer : What makes Iran so hard to read is that it is an oligarchy, based not on wealth but on religious knowledge, which at the point of delivery turns into a kind of democracy. Assuming Pezeshkian is allowed to take office, it might..


UNION Home Ministry initiating disciplinary action against Kolkata Commissioner of Police Mr. Vineet Goyal and Deputy Commissioner of Police Ms. Indira Mukherjee, has made to the news. But, the action came in response to West Bengal Governor Mr. Ananda Bose’s report in which it was said that the functioning of the officers was ‘completely unbecoming’ of public servant...

UK’s New Government

  By ALEX NURSE : Ultimately, the UK is in an economic rut and many of the things that might get the country out of it require one thing: money. Starmer has pledged fiscal discipline while also eschewing a return to austerity. There are c..

Of blissful innocence

FOR this wonderful definition, everybody would fall in love with John Lennon. For, this simple definition points to the innate innocence we all are born with. As children, all of us have believed in fairies, ghosts, dragons, myths, dreams, nightmares, and have been beset with fears that one day, some demon might even lift us to some distant land away from our home and parents and dolls and dogs. All of us have woken up in shock, drenched in sweat, and have hugged our moms and dads seeking their arms ..

Of a critical public utility...

     Vijay Phanshikar    FOR reasons known and unknown, also for reasons of inefficiency or apathy, as well as for reasons of inability to factor a critical utility component in urban thought and plan, the cit..

Lady luck

   BY ASHWINI V. LOTHE   IT’S a hot summer day, and I, as an assistant Architect, was travelling to Bilaspur along with my boss. We had many sites going on here, and I am visiting this city after a big gap of 6 years. A..

West Readies For Changes

    By Gwynne Dyer  BY FRIDAY (5 July), we will know the outcome of the British election. On Monday (8 July) we will know the result of the French election. And by the middle of the month it will be clear whether Joe Biden re..

‘AI’ ied But wise

W ELL! Well! Well! The monsoon is here, finally (unfazed by MET office predictions). The Men in Blue have finally lifted the unyielding Cup. The economy looks very verdant. But for the high prices of vegetables and gold and higher traffic on potholed roads, life seems well-placed. Good enough for one to sit admiring the misty morning, sipping choicest of self-made tea and not-so-self made ‘mathari...


    By Lt General M K Das, PVSM, SM**,VSM (Retd)  “His Holiness Dalai Lama, with his message of knowledge, tradition, compassion, purity of soul and love, will love a long time and his legacy will live forever. But you,..

A Welcome Continuity

      THE results of the recent Parliamentary election do have the effect of strengthening India’s democratic state. They made it possible for a stable coalition Government to return to power -- in the absence of any si..

Back Door Entrants’ Plea Fails

Industrial Court ought to have been mindful of the fact that these respondent-employees are back door entrants, who were engaged to meet temporary exigencies of service and who had put in hardly a year’s service, when they approached the Court. Their continuation in service has resulted in two incumbents working on one post. ..

Take away

   BY ANIL SWAMY   All Weddings are occasions for gaiety, joy, laughter, happiness and celebration but we noticed a big difference in Indian weddings abroad and back home. One has to accept the disastrous pile up of leftover ..

Capitalist Poverty

    By Prabhat Patnaik   Poverty is taken to be a homogeneous phenomenon irrespective of the mode of production that is under consideration. Even reputed economists believe in this homogeneous conception of poverty. In f..

What are youth worthwithout agencyand ambition ?-- II

   Loud Thinking - Vijay Phanshikar   IF RESTLESS energy is one of the main attributes of youth, then it must be found in every young person. So the question is: Do we really find such a restless energy and enthusiasm in ever..

Practice makes a man perfect

       BY GAURI KIROLIKAR  “KARAT karat abhyaas ke jadmati hot sujaan,.rasri aavat jaat hai sil par hot nisaan.” This age-old adage encapsulates the essence of perseverance and dedication. It unders..

Ghost Of Emergency !

     Rahul Gandhi, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, met Speaker Om Birla on Thursday and voiced his displeasure over the reference to Emergency made by the Chair, saying it was “clearly political” and could have been..

Father : A heroic epitome

    BY ULHAS D. GANGANE  The love of ‘Father’; not so expressive yet extremely deep, not so revealing yet immensely heartfelt, not much demonstrative yet the earnest, not that displaying yet the largely profound w..

Modi To Visit Russia

    By K Raveendran   The choice of Russia as the destination of the first official visit in his third term heading a coalition government is laden with symbolism and strategic implications, encompassing political messag..

Bizarre, thoughtless, senseless ... !

       Vijay Phanshikar    BY EVERY definition, the suggestion is bizarre, thoughtless, and even senseless ! -- that city’s traffic be diverted through the beautiful, serene, and green campus o..

Sweet childhood dilemmas

    BY C S KRISHNAMURTHY    WHEN I was little, my aunt always served the best Rasmalai during our visits. I remember a summer afternoon at my aunt’s house, when she offered, “Would you like some Rasmalai?..

Assange: Free At Last...

   By Gwynne Dyer   JULIAN Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, is a free man at last after spending almost all of the past fourteen years in jail or other forms of confinement. He has just arrived home in Australia to be greet..

‘Digital Afterlife’ Is no longer science fiction

     By Arif Perdana   The digital afterlife industry is rapidly evolving. Several companies promise to create virtual reconstructions of deceased individuals based on their digital footprints. From AI chatbots and ..

Of process of silence

   By Vijay Phanshikar “Meditation is to be aware of every thought and of every feeling, never to say it is right or wrong, but just to watch it and move with it. In that watching, you begin to understand the whole movement of th..

Memorable experience

    BY N J RAVI CHANDER   KODAGU (Coorg), renowned for its coffee and the game of hockey (the legendary BP Govinda, MP Ganesh, MM Somaiya, Arjun Halappa and AB Subbaiah have captained the Indian team in the past), is a p..

Malaysian Womens’ Rights

    By Rabiah aminudin   FROM individual voices to collective movements, Malaysian women are using online tools to challenge discrimination and fight for equality. In 2021, Malaysian schools were rocked by a powerful onl..

India’s neighbourhood first policy

   By Lt General M K Das   IT WAS heartening to see heads of State of India’s neighbours and Indian Ocean region attending the swearing in ceremony of Modi 3.0 Cabinet on 9 June 24. The seven leaders from Bangladesh, Sr..

SBI’s Plea For Rejecting Suit

    By Adv. R. S. Agrawal   IN THE Commercial Summary suit filed by the- plaintiff Bombay Iron and Steel Labour Board against the State Bank of India (Original Defendant), the Bank has failed to get the plaint rejected /..

What are youth worthwithout agencyand ambition ?

      The question posed to a group of young office-goers -- male and female -- was simple: What do they do to enhance their professional skills or equipment? Some of them worked in clerical positions in different places. But..

Follow every rainbow

   BY SHANOOR K MIRZA   Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. — Lord Byron The voice of an eager intruder spoke while entering th..

AI Will Raise Unemployment

   By Prabhat Patnaik   The fundamental issue raised by Hollywood writers when they had gone on a strike against being replaced by AI (Artificial Intelligence), somehow receded to the background after the resolution of that p..

Tragedy in hills

   BY N J RAVI CHANDER    The recent tragedy in Sahastra Tal in Uttarakhand has come as a bolt from the blue to the SBI fraternity in Bengaluru. Among the dead were Asha Sudhakar and Anita Rangappa, our colleagues, who perish..

Israeli Occupation

    By Bashir Abu-Manneh  The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory issued its “first in-depth investigation into the events that took place on and since 7 October 2023..

An Indian wedding

   BY ANIL SWAMY   WEDDING of our siblings’ son in US brought us at Camden in Portland Maine at a Sea kissing beautiful resort, where on Saturday the ‘Marriage’ was conducted in typical south Indian style an..

2nd Chance For S Africa?

   By Gwynne Dyer   CYRIL Ramaphosa is the President of South Africa again, but everything else is different. He got his job back in a vote late on Friday, but only because at the last moment he managed to cobble together a c..

Assisting orenslaving Intelligence?

“I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes.” Joanna Maciejewska’s now famous statement has served as a wake-up call for all of humanity racing in a direction. I am sure I’d love it if Siri does everything for me butforthe thinking part. Think, I can. Very well. In fact, too well. Friends,Iapologisebeforehand,forIwillrevert to that inevitable habit of going“….backinthose days when we were….”. ..

Of the terrible menace of stray dogs

     Vijay Phanshikar    STRAY dogs are scaring people of Nagpur no end. In the past few days, the city reported several instances of stray dogs attacking unsuspecting persons -- men, women, children on foot or..


       By Lt General M K Das, PVSM, SM**,VSM (Retd) The way Shivaji was able to lure the enemy to fight from the difficult terrain is key to battles at sub unit and unit level. The real test of leadership happens wh..

Of reason we stay alive for

     By Vijay Phanshikar   “We don’t read and write poetry because it is cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. So medicine, l..

Do you have a hobby?

    BY NILIMA RAI   DURING a conversation with my younger sister Lakshmi, I discovered she had stopped attending her guitar class, which she had joined with so much excitement. Since her college days, she had the fantasy..

AI Not A Magic Wand

    By Niusha Shafiabady    BY NOW, all of us have heard and read a lot about Artificial Intelligence (AI). You’ve likely used some of the countless AI tools that are becoming available. For some, AI feels lik..

Stop the ‘Munich’ analogies

    By Gwynne Dyer  SCARCELY a week passes without some media pundit or attention-seeking historian warning that a Great War is nigh. As always, there are enough signs and portents around to make that sort of prediction plaus..

HC Judges’ Appointment

    By Adv. R. S. Agrawal   THROUGH the judgement of the case – Advocate Uday Kumar v. Union Ministry of Law and Justice, Registrar General, Supreme Court of India and others, delivered on May 28,2024, Acting Chief..


    BY DEEPAK DHARNE  IMAGINE a society where compassion is an alien concept: hospitals would turn away the sick, leaving them to suffer and die; neighbors would ignore each other's cries for help, allowing violence and despa..