Isolate Pakistan

Srinivasan Umashankar, Nagpur
The country is surrounded by two countries, China and Pakistan potentially dangerous in different ways. While Pakistan is displaying its open hostility and hatred towards India, China is silently engaged in creating unrest in India to divert the attention of the people from core issues which can impact the economy.
China has stepped up ties with Pakistan and building massive infrastructure along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor much to India’s discomfort and is using Pakistan to destabilise India in every possible manner. While India remains a tolerant and progressive nation, it is also time for the country to turn smarter and act deftly especially in dealing with China since it enjoys an edge over India and is among the very few fast developing economies.
The only way that India can get hold of this situation is to prevail on the world community to quickly put Pakistan under moratorium and brand Pakistan as a rogue State. That would make China to think before any secret pact with Pakistan.