NSUI trying to defame ABVP: Pathak

“Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) is working to protect the rights of students and committed to take action in case of any irregularity by its office-bearers and members. Levelling serious charges against ABVP by taking advantage of anti-social act by any student is injustice. In case of such incident, ABVP always come forward to take action against its own office-bearer or member. NSUI leaders are tried to defame a committed students’ organization to take undue political advantage.
ABVP has assured the Superintendent of Police for cooperating the police investigation to take stern action against the persons involved in crime activities”, informed by Satyendra Patwa, State Secretary (Mahakaushal), Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad while addressing a press conference, on Wednesday.
Patwa informed that NSUI leaders and members are leveling serious charges on ABVP fortaking advantage of girl student for passing them examination is a baseless claim. None of the persons who have committed this crime is associated with ABVP at present. NSUI leaders are trying to defame the prestigious students’ organization just for political mileage but ABVP is still working with students to make justice with them.
ABVP, State Secretary informed that they have already handed over a letter to Superintendent of Police, Jabalpur and clarified that Upendra Dhakar was an office-bearer of the organization a long back but he was relieved from all the posts more than 30-months back. Through the letter, ABVP assured the Police Department for co-operating the police investigation to provide strict punishment to the accused.