NAVY Chief Admiral Karambir Singh has drawn attention of the nation towards China’s shifting security priorities with emphasis on strengthening its naval force. According to Admiral Karambir Singh the Chinese have shifted a lot of their resources from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to the PLA Navy.
Thus it is a calculated move towards strengthening its naval force in keeping with its ambitions to announce its arrival on the global stage as a global power. It is no surprise, therefore, that it is trying to expand its footprints in Indian Ocean countries by making them lucrative offers and development assistance in exchange of bases in various countries abutting the Indian Ocean.
Hence it is no surprise that it has diverted much of its assets from its other defence arms to the Naval force. In light of this Admiral Karambir Singh has very rightly stressed the need for India to take steps to respond accordingly. Because Chinese are not just interested in securing sea routes for trade but also establish its dominance challenging other powers like US, Russia and India.