THE United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has said that the humanity faces the trade-offs between food security and rising temperatures in not so distant a future. This is no doomsday prediction by some novice.
It is the outcome of long years of scientific research and study of the consequences of unrestrained pollution caused by human activities. In the form of climate change humanity is staring at disastrous consequences, being manifested in the unprecedented floods that some of the states of India are facing right now, recurring wildfires in some countries, unmitigable droughts in some others, raising the spectre of starvation, lack of drinking water, loss of vegetation and even life. It required a lot of scientific hammering upon humanity to draw home the point about the calamity that is almost at the doorstep, that it is entirely man-made and its mitigation lies in the steps that humans may take to stop the impeding danger of obliteration of life itself.
Fortunately most of the world has woken up to it now. But urgency is the need.