
Time is the currency of life. Spend it wisely. You wouldn’t waste your money, dollar after dollar after dollar, on useless, meaningless purchases. Take care not to waste your time in a similar fashion. Demand, from yourself, a meaningful and valuable return on the investment of your time. Choose to make every moment accrue to the benefit of what matters most.
You are surrounded by a world that’s eager to steal your time, and that’s very skilled at doing so. Make the decision not to let it, and support that decision with your passion, your discipline, your love. With the intentional, focused use of your time, you can create an amazing and beautiful day, year, life. Do what it takes, inside, outside, with your thoughts, your actions, your choices, to do that. Fall so deeply in love with your highest possibilities that nothing can steal your time away from them. Make time work for you by working to fill it all with what really matters.
From the same exact situation, two different people can achieve two remarkably different results. Why is that? Because the results you achieve are not determined by the situation itself. The results you achieve are determined by what you choose to focus on. If you focus on all the things that could go wrong, your mind will find a way to make those things really happen. But that’s not what you want, is it? Instead, give yourself an empowering focus. Lock your focus solidly on the positive possibilities.
Think in great detail about the good and valuable and desirable outcomes. Without question or hesitation, your mind will begin finding realistic, workable ways to make those good things happen.