@@INCLUDE-HTTPS-REDIRECT-METATAG@@ Medicinal values of ‘Patri’ used in festival

Medicinal values of ‘Patri’ used in festival

By Rajendra Diwe :
Ber Patra: These are the leaves of a fast growing spiky, evergreen small tree. There are many varieties available in India. They are known as Indian date, Jujube Chinese Apple, Indian Jujube, Indian plum and Masau. In Hindi it is known as Ber while in Sanskrit it is known as Badari. In Marathi it is known as Bor while in Telugu as Regu. It is known as Baari Hannu in North Karnataka. In Karnataka, during Shankranthi festival, the fruit is given to neighbours and friends along with Yellu (Sesame seeds mixture). In West Bengal, during Vasant Panchami, Topa Kul chutney is prepared using Ber and Ber is known as Topa Kul. The leaves and fruits are of medicinal values. Ber fruit is eaten raw, and is rich in vitamin C. Camels, cattle and goats feed on the leaves of the trees and are considered nutritious. Leaves and fruits are rich in Vitamin C, B Complex Vitamins, Thiamin, Roboflavin and pectin.
The pharmacological actions include cathartic (providing psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions); heart tonic, antifatigue, aphrodisiac, blood purifier; bark is astringent, wound healing, antithirst, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant. Used in: Sharabat of Jujube is useful in cough, inflammation, blood impurification, piles, diarrhea, throat disorder, bleeding piles, lucorrhoea, head ache.
Dhatura Patra: In English it is known as Thorn Apple, Downy Thorn Apple; in Hindi it is called as Dhatura while in Sanskrit as Dhattur; In Marathi it is called as Dhotra while in Telugu as Ummetta. Roots, leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers are having medicinal values.
The seeds and flowers contain: Daturadiol, Daturalone, Fastusine, Beta Sisterol, Hyosine, Hyocyamine, Atropine, Fastudin, Fastunine, Allantoin, Caproic, Beta Linolic, Linoleic acid, oteicacid, datumetine, datumetelin, Vitamic C, Chorogenic acid and fixed oil. The pharmacological action includes: Antiseptic, antipyratic (reduce fever), narcotic, analgesic, spasmolytic, anticough, anti-inflammatory. It is used in: Ulcer, diarrhoea, skin disease, scbies, pruritis, fever, insanity, antispasmodic. It is useful in bronchial asthma. (Reference: Ayurved Ka Pran, Vanaushadhi Vidnyan, published by Department of Garden and Herbs, Shri Vedmata Gayatri Pariwar Trust, Shantikunj, Haridwar (Uttaranchal).