
04 Jul 2020 11:36:41

If something works well, use it, expand on it, apply it in other situations and disciplines. But don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s the answer to everything. Too much of anything, is not a good thing. Unthinking adherence to what has proven successful, will not necessarily be successful.
A highly effective strategy for getting things done, may not work well when figuring out what to do. Techniques for creating beautiful art may have limited application when designing a production facility.
It’s easy to categorize various ideas as either good or bad. But such a simplistic approach doesn’t align with the complexities of real life.
Some ideas, some approaches, some processes are good for certain situations. Other tactics are more appropriate for other situations.
Success is a great thing to emulate and replicate. Just be careful not to blindly push it so far that it turns into failure. It’s never the wrong choice to do what’s right. It may be painful, complicated, difficult, and inconvenient, yet your best choice is to go with what you know is right.
If your words or actions feel wrong, they likely are. Those feelings arise from a whole lot of living experience, so respect their guidance.
Many of your best so-called logical, rational decisions are actually just reasoned justifications for what you already feel. Accept that you have an emotional bias, and put it to beneficial use.
Whatever mixture of reason and emotion may be telling you what’s right, listen and follow your own highest guidance. You avoid much regret and create much goodness by doing so.a
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