05 Sep 2020 10:34:00

PAKISTAN’S chain of international humiliation continues to get longer and longer with its ill-advised and cynical efforts against India through senseless claims on New Delhi fomenting terrorism. Islamabad’s latest mortification in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), when its blatant attempt to get two Indians listed as terrorists by some powerful members, should hold a mirror to its political-military leadership and at the same time should also tick the international community on deciding the future of the hopelessly Rogue State.
Badly stung by India’s success last year in getting Jaish-e-Mohammed founder Masood Azhar listed as a global terrorist by the 1267 Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UNSC, Pakistan has embarked on a blind mission to paint India as a supporter of terrorism on its soil. While the world realises futility of such a shrill attempt without solid proof or material evidence, the Pakistani leadership is blinded by hate against India’s success and continues to rake up its frivolous claims at various UN bodies. In recent months, this is Pakistan’s second consecutive act of absurdity after posting a fake video of its envoy delivering a statement at a UN Security Council meet on terrorism. The country was not even an invitee in the virtual meeting.
The latest shame for the nasty neighbour has come through rejection of its claim to designate two Indians -- Angara Appaji and Gobinda Pathak -- as terrorists by the UNSC. Pakistan perceives the two are involved in State-sponsored terrorism and alleges that the men were part of an Afghanistan-based group that helped organise terror attacks by the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar. However, the country failed to produce any evidence to back up its allegations. The attempt was thwarted as the United States, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Germany blocked the move in the Council.
Pakistan has launched moves to designate a total of four Indians as terrorists since 2019. Its effort to list two Indians – Venumadhav Dongara and Ajoy Mistry – were rejected by the Security Council in June and July. Despite the reverses, Pakistan had the cheek to move another list despite facing a ‘technical hold’ as it did not furnish any proof to back the claims. It is a clear case of politicising the United Nations procedure on terrorism by giving it a religious colour.
Pakistan’s track record is full of such acts of indiscretion just to peddle its anti-India policy. None of its claims has found takers in the top security forum in spite of blind backing by its all-weather friend China. The military generals in Rawalpindi should have woken up to the shifting sands of geopolitics when even China could not stop the UNSC from designating Masood Azhar as a listed terrorist. The perennially client state, already under a huge debt mountain, living on international alms, refuses to learn from all the shame. It continues to walk down a path of self-destruction with a naive hope that the world opinion would miraculously turn against India.
Living on such a pathetic hope is a clear-cut recipe of disaster. Living in a denial mode of the reality is all the more dangerous. Pakistan is walking like a hooded-horse, driven by vicious hate towards India. The leadership is now trudging along as a clueless entity, spewing venom against India to keep the electorate happy at home and trying to create a senseless spectacle of oppression of Muslims in India.
All of Pakistan’s pathetic attempts have fallen flat in the immediate neighbourhood (barring China) and on top international fora. The overwhelming international backing to India after it legally removed Special Status of Jammu & Kashmir last year is a case in point. It has singed Pakistan no end and hence these attempts to politicise the United Nations procedure on terrorism. It is high time the UNSC adopts reforms to change its working style and nail nations like Pakistan whose only contribution to the world body is fakeness and nuisance.
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