Failed Tool-kits
   Date :22-May-2021

Congress _1  H
l Congress party is engaged in activities to defile the image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi not just in India but also in the world. All these activities are as per the points on a tool-kit it has prepared to offer guidelines to its leaders and cohorts to bring in disrepute not just the Prime Minister but also the country internally and internationally.
- Sambit Patra,
Bharatiya Janata Party
spokesman at a press conference
l The Congress party has denied the existence of any such tool-kit and has alleged that the BJP is trying to salvage the image of the Prime Minister and the party through such propaganda.
NO MATTER the sheepish denials by the Congress party, the nation now believes that the Congress party is is using certain tool-kit to promote rank falsehood about Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi and India among mostly international audiences. The common people also realise that similar efforts by leaders of other Opposition parties are nothing but a failed propaganda planned as per certain unholy tool-kits they have prepared -- as their long build-up for the next Lok Sabha elections in 2024. This was what they had begun doing by the end of the summer of 2015 as Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi completed one year in office. Now, as Modi’s Government is about to complete the second year in office in the second term, the Opposition has pushed harder its agenda of defiling the image of not just the Prime Minister but also of the country -- mostly internationally. Fortunately, the common people in the country understand all these dirty dealings.
Having been exposed, the Congress party has hastened to deny the existence of any tool-kit, but those denials are actually non-denials, in the sense the party cannot erase the shocking truth that the BJP has brought out.
Most points on the tool-kits are dangerous. They seek to have published in the international media pictures of burning funeral pyres in the India, in an obvious attempt to to tell the world that the government of Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has failed completely to check the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. A couple of other points on the tool-kit also aim at creating a bad image of the recently concluded Kumbh Mela as a super-spreader event, though no fact supports such a theory.
The most unfortunate part of the whole affair is that the Opposition leaders do not realise that their similar efforts were rejected by the electorate that elected Mr. Modi again with a greater margin in 2019. The leaders of various Opposition parties in general and the Congress party in particular want to forget that they were rejected most comprehensively by the people in the past seven years time and again.
Of course, they do have a few points of celebration all right -- such as the landslide victory of Ms. Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress (TMC) in West Bengal. But those points do not obliterate the fact that the Congress party could not win one single seat in West Bengal, while the Bharatiya Janata Party jumped exponentially from just 3 seats to a whopping 77 in the recent legislative elections. The Congress party also wants to forget another reality -- that the BJP returned to power for a second term in Assam and its vote-share in Tamil Nadu and Kerala has increased commendably, giving a good boost to the party’s confidence in its own way of doing things.
But then, there is a reason for the Opposition stance. It is more than obvious that its leaders have begun preparing ground for the next Lok Sabha elections that are three years away. that was what they had done in the first term of the Modi-Government. That is what they are doing now in the second term of the Modi-Government, hoping to breach the Modi citadel in 2024.
It is obvious, the Opposition has run out of novel ideas to mount a propaganda against the Prime Minister and the BJP. They have blindfolded themselves to the reality on the ground and are pursuing failed agendas -- such as ill-thought tool-kits that are loaded down by hackneyed ideas. Obviously, the Opposition does not have much thought-base to work out ideas that would dare the Government genuinely. In fact, there can be several points on which the Government can be blocked as it battles the COVID-19 pandemic. But the Opposition leaders are intellectually bereft and are pursing ideas that carry finally no weight with the common people.
The most negative point in the Opposition’s tool-kit game is that it is seeking to malign the Government and the Prime Minister rather than creating an eco-system in which they would become part of the solution rather than of the problem. So glaring is this failure on part of the Opposition that the common people have already rejected them in their mind. This rejection will certainly reflect itself in the vote when the next Lok Sabha election comes.
Enough evidence is available to suggest that many thinking elements in the Opposition camp have alerted the leadership against such a danger of popular rejection. However, their effort to raise the alarm has been shot down by the Opposition leadership, giving rise to a silent wave of disgust and disillusionment in the rank and file.
Though the tool-kit methods may be able to create some noise in the media internally or internationally, the overall attempt appears to have failed comprehensively on a few counts: one, the common people realise that all this tantamounts to pre-election propaganda; two, the world also rejects any moves that have a deliberate anti-Indian smell; three, counter-offensive launched by the Government to state facts as they are is winning loads of sympathisers across the world, as a result of which the world is offering every possible help to India.