Monsoon expected to reach Chhattisgarh by June 13

07 Jun 2022 11:08:16

Staff Reporter
WITH the monsoon current getting stagnant for the last three days, the onward movement has got delayed after ahead of the scheduled onset over Kerala. Based on the early onset, the Monsoon was expected to arrive over the state ahead of the normal date. But, with the onward movement of monsoon current getting weak, the arrival will mainly depend on the re-activation of the positive conditions giving a thrust to the present hold-up.
Senior Meteorologist H P Chandra informed that in the monsoon season system over Bay of Bengal moves in the Northwest direction which affects the monsoon activity which presently is not satisfactory. Thus under the influence of the existing system over Northeast Bay of Bengal it is expected to again become dominant, he added.
While focusing on the normal onset of Monsoon over Chhattisgarh, the Senior Meteorologist said that based on the data from 1961 to 2019 a new normal onset date of monsoon over Chhattisgarh is announced. As per this calculation the new normal date for onset of the monsoon over Chhattisgarh at Jagdalpur is June 13 while in Raipur it is June 16.
Meanwhile, a cyclonic circulation persists over East Uttar Pradesh and its neighbourhood with a trough passing through the cyclonic circulation over East Uttar Pradesh to South Chhattisgarh running upto coastal Andhra Pradesh. Under the influence of these systems the Met Centre Raipur has warned of thunderstorms accompanied with lightning at isolated places over the state from June 7 to 10.
In its rainfall forecast, the weatherman has stated that isolated rainfall is likely during the next four days in the state. However, there will be no large change in maximum temperature over the State during the next 48 hours,
thereafter it is expected to fall by 2-3 degree Celsius, it stated. Meanwhile, light rainfall along with thunderstorms is expected at isolated places in the state on June 7. Heat wave conditions are likely in the districts under Raipur, Durg and Bilaspur division. In Raipur, the sky would be partly cloudy with maximum and minimum temperature expected around 44.0 degree and 30.0 degree Celsius respectively on Tuesday
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