Republic Day Sale with up to 50 per cent off at Girisons

21 Jan 2023 11:06:31

Republic Day Sale 
Business Bureau
GIRISONS starts Republic Day Sale with up to 50 per cent discount with 1000+ designs of bedsheet, blanket, dohar, comforter and towels. Product having benefit and unbeatable price and promised quality. Product like Raymond woollen blanket at Rs 2,500 only Girisons the largest bed and bath showroom in Nagpur city housing all the major brands under one roof such as Bombay Dyeing, Raymond and Glorious Living. All brands are having the entire range and products displayed at the Girisons store. With over 1000 plus styles in bedsheets, bedcovers and more than 100 shades of towels and bath coordinates people are sure to find their choice of home linen suited for every occasion and mood at the store. Choose from the smart chic and pretty international designs and styles of the latest bed linen sale. New stocks and range is added daily at the store. For more detail, interested may call on Ph: 0712-2427305.
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