THE first session of the 16th Assembly began here on Wednesday with Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, Deputy CMs Diya Kumari and Premchand Bairwa and others taking oath as members. Congress MLAs, including former CM Ashok Gehlot, former Deputy CM Sachin Pilot, reached the House wearing black bands. The Congress MLAs were protesting against the security breach in Parliament. As soon as the proceedings of the House began, Congress MLA Shanti Dhariwal objected to the sudden calling of the Assembly session.
Protem Speaker Kalicharan Saraf started administering oath to the new MLAs. First, CM Bhajanlal Sharma and then Deputy CM Diya Kumari and Dr. Premchand Bairwa took oath. Then one by one other MLAs were sworn in till the time of filing of this report. This special session has been called for two days to administer oath to 199 new MLAs.
The Speaker will be elected after the remaining MLAs are sworn in on Thursday. Raj CM Bhajan Lal’s car gets stuck in drain: RAJASTHAN Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma’s vehicle met with a minor accident after his car got stuck in a drain.
The incident occurred on Tuesday when the Chief Minister was en route to a temple located in Govardhan in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura along with his wife. The officials immediately changed the car and the CM and his wife were taken in a different car later. There was no news of any untoward incident. Sharma reached his native town Bharatpur on Tuesday for the first time after becoming the CM.