Development pangs: Road works jam traffic on major roads
   Date :11-Apr-2023

Development pangs 
Staff Reporter
The ongoing cement road construction work from Rahate Square to Kriplani Square on Wardha Road is a perfect example of poor co-ordination between authorities and lack of empathy for commuters. It is the same city that witnessed the road near Ajni Square getting constructed in a day just 24 hours before the Civil-20 (C-20) meet last month. The local administration transformed the complete stretch of Wardha Road into a posh road due to C-20 meet last month. However, after the meet, people are once again facing traffic problems due to road construction.
The National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is constructing cement road on both sides from Rahate Square to Kriplani Square for the last few days. For the construction, the contractor closed the traffic movement on one lane each on both sides, which has become a big trouble for commuters coming from Deekshabhoomi, Sitabuldi, Dhantoli, Ajni and Congress Nagar are suffering the most.
Adding to the trouble, the contractor, on Monday, mindlessly blocked the complete road from Rahate Square to Kriplani Square to speed up the work and diverted the traffic of the most busy road of the city towards Congress Nagar. The diversion of the road caused heavy traffic jam on Wardha Road near Gorakshan Sabha and also on the entire stretch of Rahate Square to Congress Nagar Square. In the evening hours of Monday, prolonged traffic jams were witnessed till Rahate Square to Congress Nagar Square and from Shivaji Science College to Congress Nagar Square. To escape traffic jam, commuters used the adjacent roads of Dhantoli area and Congress Nagar area. The traffic cops had a tough time in the evening hours managing the jams.
At Congress Nagar Square, the private and state transport busses are also struck in the traffic jam for hours. Some ambulances were also struck in the jam. Due to barricades put up by the contractors near Shahid Gowari Flyover, the vehicles coming from Sitabuldi through flyover were unable to take U-turn from the square which is also causing traffic jam on the square. The roads will remain blocked until the construction of cement road is complete, which may lead to more jams.