Health services in State to hit as doctors, nurses to go on indefinte strike from May 3
   Date :18-Apr-2023

Health services in State 
Staff Reporter
More than 10,000 doctors of Madhya Pradesh are preparing to go on an indefinite strike from May 3. In this, the nursing staff will also support them. In such a situation, the health system of the State is bound to come to a grinding halt. The doctors across the State are angry due to non-fulfillment of their demands, due to which they are preparing to agitate again. To prepare its outline, a meeting was organised at the Indore Government Autonomous Medical Association on Sunday. About 110 delegates from all 52 district hospitals, 19 medical colleges attended the meeting and 70 delegates participated online.
Federation’s Secretary Dr Rakesh Malviya told in the meeting that the officials of the Government are being negligent in issuing orders for the report of the high-level committee constituted by the Chief Minister of the State. For this reason, the federation has decided to agitate again. He told that this movement was postponed by the doctors on February 17, 2023, at the behest of Chief Minister Shivraj Chouhan.
The high-level committee formed on the same day was to submit it’s report to the Chief Minister in a month, after that the movement was postponed on the issue of issuing orders for quick governance on the report of the high-level committee, but even after two months no orders have been issued. However, the federation has given two weeks time to the Government to implement the report and issue an order. He told that from Monday onwards, Promise Remembrance Day will be celebrated everyday and the date of work stop movement will be informed to the administration.