No Records-Keeper; Is NMC Property Tax Deptt even keeping records for itself?

29 May 2023 07:55:39

By Sagar Mohod
The Government expects citizens to obey the law of the land and perform their duties in accordance with the rules. However, contrary to the expectations of the citizens, the same Government violates the rules to avoid fixing responsibility in case of any irregularity on part of the bureaucracy. And, the trend started ever since Right to Information (RTI) Act came into force, as officials are not very comfortable with the demand for transparency in Government offices. So, conscious efforts are being made to defeat the objectives of good governance by keeping loopholes in effective implementation of good provisions of rules. At Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) no Records Keeper is nominated in the Property Tax Department. This was revealed through an application filed under RTI Act with the Department of Archives, Maharashtra Government, seeking names of Record Keepers in Property Tax Department (PT) at NMC. The query returned with remarks that no such record existed with them, said Shankar Gulani, an RTI crusader who has been exposing the irregularities in the Property Tax Department, which is the NMC’s cash cow.
Property Tax is the single-biggest revenue earner for NMC and hence it is imperative for the Municipal Commissioner, as the Head of Department, to ensure that some senior officer is nominated as Records-Keeper. Leave alone providing information under RTI, the department does not, for its own record, even have the history of payments and proper records of the properties enumerated by its officials. It is shocking that, to date, NMC bosses have not made any determined efforts to anoint Records Keeper for reasons best known to them.
Gulani said Section 5 and Rule 3 of Maharashtra Public Records Act, 2005, reads "Every records creating agency shall nominate one officer as Records Officer to discharge function of this Act; also, may set up such number of record rooms in such places as it deems fit and shall place each record room under the charge of a Records Officer. Rules of the Act states that the person nominated as Records Officer should be an officer not below the or grade of a Section Officer.” Gulani said that despite such clear provisions in the law, they are deliberately being flouted by NMC. The reason is quite simple. Officers are not keen on letting citizens be aware of data of properties which are taxed and amounts collected from citizens in the form of Property Tax. Therefore, one finds discrepancies in the Property Tax Department's record, he added.
The Property Tax Department is riddled with anomalies as there is mismatch in formula for assessment of tax, its collection and maintenance of records. In many Zones of NMC, a simple exercise to seek information led to stumbling of old skeletons from the cupboards, indicating loose supervision on part of supervisors. Therefore the key to ensure proper functioning of Tax Department is nomination of Records Keeper as same helps in fixing responsibility. Is it too much to seek transparency in NMC's functioning, asked Gulani further.
Gulani has been at forefront in exposing the misdeeds within Property Tax Department of NMC. The fight continues even today as no corrective action was taken by civic body bosses despite registration of offence against the Property Tax Department officials of Ashi Nagar Zone for missing records relating to collection of tax. Adding further, Adv Amar Ramini, he is expert on service rules, states that the simple purpose that is achieved by not nominating any Records Officer is one cannot prosecute any officer or Government employees in case of non maintenance of records as per mandate of Maharashtra Public Records Act, 2005.
No Records Officer at Collectorate too
Just like NMC, even District Collectorate too does not have any one designated as Records Officer, claimed Adv Amar Ramini. So just like the civic body, in case of Nazul Records, also the experience is quite similar whenever one seeks details of land records from the office. The reply is common, no records pertaining to information sought under RTI is available with the said office. The strategy of every Government office seems quite simple, keep probing eyes of the 'sensitive' matters, especially where stakes are quite high. This is helping the system to circumvent the provision of RTI Act successfully, defeating the very concept of empowering citizens and helping bring about accountability among Government officials. What is more surprising is the silence on part of State Government in ensuring that its offices comply with the Rules thoroughly.
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