BJp sheds light on 9 years of Modi Govt at Centre during joint convention
   Date :16-Jun-2023

BJp sheds light on 9 years of Modi  
Staff Reporter
Bharatiya Janata Party, on Thursday organised a joint convention in West Assembly under month-long Mahajansamparka Abhiyan being organised to mark nine-years of Modi Government at the Centre. Addressing a huge gathering of party leaders and workers, Member of Parliament Rakesh Singh said in a significant transformation, the country is witnessing construction of pucca houses for poor and establishment of a grand temple dedicated to Lord Ram, who is revered by millions. Likewise, success of Ayushman Bharat Scheme in providing better healthcare to citizens, abrogation of Article 370 in Kashmir ensures complete arrangements for citizens’ security. Now, echoes of peace resonate through banks of river Ganga in Varanasi, replacing the sounds of bomb blasts.
This changing India is built upon the foundation laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and under his leadership, the Central Government has fulfilled needs of people of all sections of the society. MP Singh further said “Service, good governance and welfare of poor have been the guiding principles of Modi Government in the past nine years. The BJP Government at the Centre has worked tirelessly to bring about positive changes in lives of poor and make them economically empowered and self-reliant. He said the Government has brought a new transformation in the lives of millions of poor people in the country through initiatives like free rations, pucca houses, Ujjwala Yojana, Ayushman Yojana, Saubhagya Yojana, Jal Jeevan Mission and Jan Dhan Yojana.
Expressing views on the occasion, BJP’s City President Prabhat Sahu said people have voted for us on the basis of works done by BJP Government, not on the basis of caste, creed or language. A number of senior office bearers and members of BJP’s Youth Wing, Women’s Wing, Farmers’ Wing, Backward Classes Wing, Scheduled Caste Wing, Scheduled Tribe Wing and Minority Wing were present.