Business Reporter :
THE Bhartiya Agrawal Ekta Club
has come out with a New year
‘Panchang’ calendar for the first
time providing detailed informationaboutHindu festivalsand
other information highlighting
Rajasthani festivals.
The calendar was conceptualised by the Chairman of the
club Prakash Agarwal, President
Girish Lildia, andVice President
Murali Mahipal. Secretary VijaySaraf,TreasurerDeepakAgarwal,
Convener Ambar Agarwal,
Advocate Sanjay Agarwal,
Bhavesh Lildia, Krishna Agarwal
etc. together gave it the shape of
a useful and attractive calendar.
The calendar was recentlyreleased by the office-bearers and members of the club. It will bedistributed among the community members, says a pressrelease.