Local guide Dr Arpit Shukla helping many find accurate location on Google Maps
   Date :01-Feb-2024

Local guide Dr Arpit Shukla  
Staff Reporter
Often, when we visit a new place, we seek help from Google Maps to find out details of the new location. Using Google Maps is simple and it can be used in user’s preferable languages like Hindi, English, or any regional language such as Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam. It provides information about any destination in all these languages. Google achieves all these information including photographs, road lists, address pictures and others, through its local guides, who are spread all over the world and upload information about various places to Google for free. Google verifies this information and publishes it on its maps after confirming it from other local guides or experts. Even Jabalpur has many Google local guides, one of them is Dr Arpit Shukla, who regularly uploads information on Google Maps.
Dr Shukla informed that having a higher level in Google Local Guides means that people take your comments seriously and Google takes action on reviews you provide for hospitals, restaurants, hotels, schools, colleges, etc. Local guide has different levels ranging from level one to level 10. Google does not provide any direct cash amount for joining Google Local Guide program or uploading information to Google. When there is a meeting of Local Guides community, Google takes care of all the expenses to visit the Google office in California. The Google Local Guides program is such that people are encouraged, and they upload new information, which proves useful when most people are using smartphones and 4G-5G networks.