By CS Sarrah H Katawala :
RECENTLY there has been a buzz
about the word GeM (Government
e-Market) in the business world in
India. While many entities are
already doing great business on this
platform, some of them are still figuring out what is GeM and how to
take benefit of this portal in their
GeM is a dedicated e-market for
procurement of different goods and
services similar to e commerce
giants like Amazon and flipkart but
with one big difference; i.e here the
products /services are procured by
various Government departments
/ organisations / PSUs which are
more than over 50,000 in numbers.
Started in 2016, the objective of the
Government is to facilitate the procurement with transparency, accuracy and speed.
To register on GeM, the entity must
have a registered business recognised in India and have PAN issued
by the Income Tax Department. The
applicant needs to submit business
registration documents, bank details
and KYC documents to complete the
registration. One can apply for the
GeM registration through the
Government website by creating a
business profile on it.
The applicant
has to register as a buyer or seller
depending upon the purpose and
follow the process accordingly. One
may take help of a professional for
registering on GeM and creating a
business profile and listing its products or services.
Listing your products or services on
GeM portal makes it more visible
to Government buyers which will
generate more contacts and leads
for your business. It gives access to
various Government contracts and
tenders and vast range of procurement opportunities. Payments done
through GeM portal are much faster
and easier as compared to the earlier payment systems under the
Government. Credit facility is also
available making it more convenient for the buyers.
Bid submission, managing orders,
receiving payments etc. can be done
online which reduces paper work
and saves time.
It recognises and supports MSME’s,
startups, women-led enterprises
and Make-in India entities through
various schemes and incentives
such as concession in fees and priority in procurement process.
As per the latest report of the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
there has been a surge of 205 per
cent in services procured from GeM
and 21 lakhs sellers and service
providers onboarded on GeM. By
integrating 89,421 Panchayats and
760+ cooperatives within its procurement ecosystem, GeM has facilitated sustainable procurement
while ensuring optimization in public spending at the very last level of
administration. GeM should be your
top priority if you are looking to
expand your business with the
( The author is a
practicing Company Secretary and
may be contacted at sarrahkatawala