Business Reporter :
THE Centre of Excellence for
AR VR Lab at G H Raisoni
College of Engineering and
Management (GHRCEM),
Nagpur was inaugurated,
recently.The event was graced
by the chief guest Sunil Raisoni,
Chairman Raisoni Education.
The Director of GHRCEM,
Dr Vivek Kapur, and the
Director of GHRCE, Dr Sachin
Untawale, were also present to
witness this momentous occasion.
The inauguration ceremony was led by Sunil Raisoni,
whoofficiallyopened thestateof-the-art AR VR Lab, symbolising a significantmilestonein
theinstitution’sjourney toward
technological advancement.
The event was coordinated
by Dr Sonali Ridhorkar, Head
of the Deptt of Computer
Science& Engineering, andDr
Devashree Marotkar, Head of
Deptt of Electronics and
T e lecommunication
Engineering (ETC).