Dy Commissioner of Customs exhorts youthto shoulder responsibilities of good citizen
   Date :30-Aug-2024

avinash pandey
■ Business Reporter :
AVINASH Pandey, Deputy Commissioner of Customs at the Inland Container Depot (ICD) MIHAN and Air Cargo Complex (ACC) at Nagpur International Airport, recently deliveredtwoinsightfullectures at Centre Point School, Katol Road and Dr B R Ambedkar College of Law in the city. On the occasions, Pandey exhorted the youth to shoulder the responsibilities of being a good citizen, a peer who does not put in unnecessary pressure to others for bad habits and avoid bullying as it scars the individual for years. Pandey also engaged with students on vital topics concerningyouth,democracy,law, and technology. Pandey was invited to speak on ‘Youth, Citizenship, and Democracy’ at Centre Point School. Students from standardsX-XIIparticipatedactively in the event, posing questions about the roles and responsibilities of the younger generation in national development. Pandey highlighted the potential of India’s youth in contributing to the nation’s progress, emphasising the importance of trust, fraternity, and upholding the dignity of all individuals as foundational democratic values.
In Dr BRAmbedkar College of Law, Pandey was invited to speakon‘Law,Technology, and Society.’ His lecture addressed the rapid advancements in technology and their implications for society, stressing the need for laws to evolve alongside these changes. He emphasised the role of lawyers and public policy professionals in ensuring equity and social justice. He discussed the new draft data protection bill and the ethicalconsiderations surrounding AI, providing studentswitha framework to think critically about these issues. The session concluded with an interactive Q&A, where students eagerly inquired about AI, data protection, privacy, and careersin civil services.