Business Reporter :
IN Abid to disseminate proper informationamong thestakeholdersabout
coal industry, city-based subsidiary
of Coal India Limited, Western
Coalfields Limited(WCL) hasproved
that, sensitive task like Public
Relations (PR) of a government company can also be done in a different
manner and without misuse of publicmoney, throughitsinnovative and
modern communication approach.
Public Relations Officer Asheesh
Tayal, under the guidance of WCL
management, is successfully carrying out the authentic work of public
relations through disseminating the
correct information about t
he coal industry to the general public with the help of senior officials
through “WCL Samvad” and “WCL
Deep Jyoti” innovative communication initiatives.
Itis known that due tolack of proper information about the coal industry, the image of this industry
remained unchanged among the
stakeholders, even today. Although
thereisnodoubt that themajor share
of the country’s GDP depends on the
coalindustry,stillperceptionofstakeholders about the industry is to be
With this contemplation
in mind, Tayal started two programmes called “WCL Samvad” and
“WCLDeepJyoti” as unique and sustainable communication initiatives
about three and a half years ago.
The programmes are being broadcast through the official socialmedia
platforms of WCL. General Manager
of WCLPNarendra Kumar said that
no direct expenditure of the company is being made on these programmes being run through available internal resources.
This unique initiative of its kind
being run among all the public and
private enterprises of the country
have proved to be an effective platform to establish meaningful dialoguewith variousstakeholders associatedwith theminingindustry.These
programmes are not only encouraging transparent dialogue among
stakeholders, but also providing an
opportunity to the employees with
various achievements to come forward on the world stage.
He added that the prime objective
of “WCL Samvaad” is to share knowledge on the industry with employees
and stakeholders, in order to change
the perception of stakeholders
towards theindustry and to establish
direct connect with them. He further
added that Tayal is holding communication and discussion series with
the toplevelofficialsof thecoalindustry continuously to update stakeholders.
At the same time, through anotherprogramme,“WCLDeep Jyoti”, the
talents and achievements of employees and their family members are
being brought forward to the world
stage. “These new initiatives in the
fieldofpublic relationshavestrengthened the work of increasing transparency in the industry, empowerment of employees including our
stakeholders,” Tayal said.