Spacewood’s success storyhighlighted at VMA session
    Date :24-Sep-2024
kirti joshi
■ Business Reporter :
IN Asession organised here by the Vidarbha Management Association (VMA) Spacewood’s Founder Directors-KiritJoshiandVivek Deshpande - spoke about the phenomena l riseoftheircompany.Duringthe session titled “ G lobal Ambitions: The S p acewo o d Success Story” they provided a deep dive into how the companyevolvedfromalocalbusinessintoabrandwithanational and international presence.
The duo emphasized the importance of India’s vast and diversefurnituremarket.While Spacewood has made strides on home turf, they revealed their efforts to establish a foothold in China and Malaysia. “Global manufacturing presents significant obstacles, especially when close attention to operations is needed. Managinginternationalunits is noeasytask,but it’s essential for growth,” said D e shpand e . Despite these hurdles, the companyiseyeing future global sales expansion, acknowledging that they have only tapped into 15 per cent of India’s potential market. Atul Bhaiyyamoderatedthesession while Niket Agrawal was sessionincharge.Theresourceperson was Nitin Yete.