VTA’s annual general meetingheld at Hotel Tuli International
   Date :24-Sep-2024
■ Business Reporter :
THE Vidarbha Taxpayers Association (VTA) recently held its 13th annual general body meeting at Hotel Tuli International. Shrawankumar Malu - President; JPSharma – Immediate Past President; Tejinder Singh Renu - Secretary;HemantTrivediand Krishna Dayma – Vice Presidents; Pawan K Chopra – Treasurer; andAmarjeet Singh Chawla and RajeshKanungo – Joint Secretaries shared the dais.
On occasion, Malu said, “I must express concern about the alarming trend of freebies being distributed by political parties.” Tejinder Singh Renu conducted the meeting proceedings and also highlighted the work carried out byVTA in the previous year in public interest and also underlined the issuescurrentlybeingtakenup by VTA. Audited accounts for the year ended March were unanimously approved. The formal vote of thanks was proposed by Pawan K Chopra, says a press release issued by the VTA