The Diaspora
   Date :10-Jan-2025

CHANGES that arouse pride about origin, confidence about existence, and offer promise for a better future are among the biggest positives that the current Government of India under the leadership of third-time Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has effected over the past decade. This is particularly applicable to the vast Indian diaspora. And, the promising results are for all to see. The Indian diaspora has become a group of cultural ambassadors of the country of their origin, no matter which country they are presently residing in. Every one of them is talking about connecting back to India, and is spreading good word among the non-Indians about India’s growth story. The things have come a long way since the ‘Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas’ was celebrated the first time.
Now, India is celebrating the 18th edition of the event. What was initially a ceremonial outreach event, now stands transformed into annual celebration of the excellence of Indians residing abroad and willing to contribute to India’s growth story. Under Mr. Modi’s visionary leadership, this has been achieved on the strength of good policies and well-directed effort to unite Indian diaspora. There was a time when the persons of Indian origin (PIOs) or non-resident Indians (NRIs) were snorted at as nothing Indian left in them. Back then, NRIs or PIOs in other countries developed inferiority complex, and did not feel encouraged to return to India. A sense of alienation crept in among them. Years later, the erstwhile Government of India tried to change the perception by making an effort to connect to them with a formality of gesture. But, things changed for the better when Mr. Modi gave a new direction to the previous effort. Whichever country he visited, he made it a point to meet and interact with the Indian diaspora, without restricting the outreach to dinner with only a handful of PIOs or NRIs.
When he addressed the Indian diaspora amid the chants of ‘Modi, Modi’ at Madison Square Garden in the US in 2014, perception started changing. Since then, every event of connecting with the Indian diaspora grew in impact. The chants became cheers, which grew into roars of the Indian community abroad. Today, every country in the world is treating the Indian community with respect. Many countries have started reaching out to Indians residing there, engaging meaningfully with them, creating more opportunities for interaction by way of celebrating Indian festivals. These have bolstered up the confidence of the Indians living abroad. With enhanced understanding about Indian culture and traditions, and growing importance of India on world stage, many countries are trusting PIOs and NRIs there with key positions in public offices. May it be the US, Canada, the United Kingdom or any other country, a new space has emerged for the Indians residing there.
Their administrative acumen, technological expertise, spiritual guidance, academic scholarship, economic wisdom, organisational capabilities, deeper understanding of public affairs rooted in ancient Indian culture, respect for law of the land, adapting to the culture of the country of residence, and thought-leadership in chosen sphere of activity... all these things are getting noticed in a never-before manner. The inheritance of Indian values, clubbed with the new pride in those, make them remarkable individuals. As reflected in External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar’s appeal to the young ones among ‘Pravasi Bharatiya’ community to attract the global youth to India, India is taking another leap in harnessing their true potential. This will not only strengthen India’s ties with different world powers, but also further expand the Indian footprint beyond the borders.