CS Katawala to lead Nagpur Chapter of ICSI
   Date :20-Jan-2025

sarrah katawala
CS Sarrah Katawala has been elected as the Chairperson of the Nagpur Chapter of WIRC of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) for the 2025-26 term. Along with her, CS Mohit Batra has been elected as the Vice-Chairman; CS Harshal Killedar as Secretary and CS Deesha Shroff as Treasurer.
The other managing committee members are - CS Bhavesh Thadani, Immediate-Past Chairman; CS Khushal Bajaj, and CS Sumit Kheecha, all members; and CS Deepti Joshi - Regional Council Member of WIRC and Ex-Officio of Nagpur Chapter. The Nagpur Chapter is the only chapter that caters the students and members all across the Vidarbha. At present there are around 500 members and around 4,000 students under the jurisdiction of the Nagpur Chapter of ICSI. The committee’s strategic objective for the year is to enhance the professional brand identity of Company Secretaries (CS) and promote the profession as a career of choice.