Alfa Deficit Lifestyle
   Date :26-Jan-2025

Alfa Deficit Lifestyle
The human brain emits different electrical charges during certain periods and activities. This neural oscillation has been broadly grouped into five categories of brain waves. EEG (Electroencephalogram) is the machine which measures these different neural charges. Delta waves are produced by the brain in dreamless sleep or a very deep state of meditation. They range between 1 to 3 Hz. Theta are the brain waves which are seen during drowsiness or meditative state of the mind.
Their frequency is between 4 to 7 Hz. Alpha waves are those neural activities when the brain is relaxed, alert and creative. Their frequency oscillates between 8 to 12 Hz. Beta waves are the brain waves which are produced during a wakeful state. Their frequency exists between 13 to 40 Hz. The highest frequency brain waves are gamma whose frequency is above 40 and up to 60. It is the highest state of vigilance. These are the natural neural oscillations of the brain which keep on occurring depending upon different circumstances. Research has found that the Alfa state is the flow state of the mind. During this state one is anchored in the present and achieves the deepest performance with less effort. Great athletes, artists, singers, etc are at their best during the flow state. It has been observed that during Alfa state one is calm, creative and able to absorb maximum information.
The great scientists like Newton, Einstein, Archimedes, etc, propounded their groundbreaking scientific discoveries during this Alfa state of the mind. It has been called the magical state of the mind by the experts. Since one is anchored in the present, the mental track of time is lost. The process of learning becomes very fast. There are no distractions at all. Breath slows down and becomes rhythmic. The heart beat is also reduced. The modern lifestyle has robbed the Alpha state of the mind. Stress is eating into the vitals of society. Mental and physical distractions are at their peak. Psychosomatic ailments are making life miserable. Productivity, relationships, etc, are suffering. Substance abuse , alcoholism, suicides, marital disputes, crimes are at the rise. Society is the extension of human minds. So tense minds are making society tense.
Hence the problem needs to be tackled at the individual level. Studies have found that aerobic exercises enhance the Alpha state of the mind. Meditation has been found to be a very potent tool to calm the mind and generate creativity. Pranayama or deep breathing exercises are great tools to increase Alpha waves in the brain. Slow and sweet music has been found to be an Alfa amplifier. According to neurolinguistics, repetitive practice of some phrase or Mantra generates an Alfa state of the mind. In his famous book the War of Art Steven Pressfield suggests creating a ritual of own to go into a flow state of the mind. Thus, we find that a happy and relaxed state of the mind is possible through the cultivation of physical exercises, mediational tools,breathing practices, chanting of some Mantra or creating some ritual or mental cue.

(The writer is Former DG Police & CG, Homeguards, Maharashtra)